Advances in Health Care Management

Advances in Health Care Management

《Advances in Health Care Management》是2002年Lightning Source Inc出版的圖書,作者是Savage, Grant T. (EDT)、Blair, John D. (EDT)、Fottler, Myron D. (EDT)。


  • 書名:Advances in Health Care Management
  • 作者:Savage, Grant T. (EDT)、Blair, John D. (EDT)、Fottler, Myron D. (EDT)
  • 出版社:Lightning Source Inc
  • 出版時間:2002年10月
  • 頁數:364 頁
  • 定價:136.67 美元
  • 裝幀:HRD
  • ISBN:9780762309610
Section one, a special research forum on management issues in nursing, examines the causes of the nursing shortage and its impact on performance, as well as how wage increases, staffing increases, empowerment, and organizational design might address and alleviate some of the root causes for this problem. Section two focuses on how health care costs can be lowered and the quality of care can be improved through better clinical and technological management, exploring population health management, patient-centered care management, and the impact of regulations on medical innovations. Section three addresses how health service organizations can improve their performance, and includes a field study of managers' capabilities and hospital success, a critical review of academic health centers, a theoretical model of post-bankruptcy organization performance, and a secondary data analysis that supports a new organizational typology for managing stakeholders.


